Staffing Company
Locum Opportunity - ED CMO for Broken Hill Hospital.Overview:Level: ED CMOArea: Emergency MedicineDates:10 Aug -16 Aug31 Aug -6 SeptLocation: Broken HillBroken Hill Health Service is a major rural referral centre and providesa range of inpatient and outpatient services including emergency,general medical and surgical, mental health, maternity, gynaecology,paediatrics, renal dialysis, rehabilitation, critical care, diagnosticservices, cancer care and palliative care ...Selection Criteria:To be considered for this position, applicant must have GeneralRegistration with AHPRA.
Staffing Company
Brand New Macksville District Hospital - July to November 2020 -Emergency Department Registrar or CMOThe new Macksville District Hospital is a rural hospital whichpredominantly provides services at role delineation level 2/3 forresidents of Nambucca Local Government Area.The new hospital includes 42 Inpatient beds plus Emergency Department,Perioperative Services and Day Procedure Unit, Maternity and TresillianServices, Allied and Community Health Services.
Staffing Company
Mackay Hospital and Health Services requires a Principal House Officer for the Department of Emergency at the Mackay Base Hospital to assist with the following locum periods:ASAP to 2 August 2020Accommodation and travel are provided.