Staffing Company
The main duties and responsibilities of the post:• Responsibility for Comprehensive Geriatric assessment for frail elderly either at frontdoor or in the community - Patient pathway and consultant involvement will be agreedfollowing mutual discussion with the present team• Participation in 1:12 Medical Receiving Rota with compensatory rest included• Provision of outpatient service for elderly patients with general medical problems• Provision of outpatient service depending on consultant’s sub-speciality interest.• Provision of cover for consultant colleagues during periods of annual and study leave• Professional supervision and management of Junior Medical Staff and medicalstudents as required.• Responsibilities for carrying out teaching, accreditation and examination duties asrequired, and for contributing to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.The successful candidate will be expected to comply with College recommendationson Continuing Medical Education.• Support and joint working with the Care of the Elderly Specialist Nurses and the newlyappointed Community Advanced Nurse Practitioners to ensure seamless pathwaysbetween acute and primary care.
Staffing Company
The main duties and responsibilities of the post:• Responsibility for Comprehensive Geriatric assessment for frail elderly either at frontdoor or in the community - Patient pathway and consultant involvement will be agreedfollowing mutual discussion with the present team• Participation in 1:12 Medical Receiving Rota with compensatory rest included• Provision of outpatient service for elderly patients with general medical problems• Provision of outpatient service depending on consultant’s sub-speciality interest.• Provision of cover for consultant colleagues during periods of annual and study leave• Professional supervision and management of Junior Medical Staff and medicalstudents as required.• Responsibilities for carrying out teaching, accreditation and examination duties asrequired, and for contributing to undergraduate and postgraduate medical education.The successful candidate will be expected to comply with College recommendationson Continuing Medical Education.• Support and joint working with the Care of the Elderly Specialist Nurses and the newlyappointed Community Advanced Nurse Practitioners to ensure seamless pathwaysbetween acute and primary care.• Compliance with NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s Policies on Clinical Governance.• The successful applicant will be encouraged to participate in research and to develop arelevant subspecialty interest, subject to resources and local priorities.• Requirement to participate in medical audit and continuing medical education.• Managerial, including budgetary, responsibilities (where appropriate).The appointment will be on a whole-time basis under the terms of the new consultantcontract. The job plan, which will be subject to review, will be offered on a 10 PA contract,including at least one allocated to supporting professional activities (SPAs) but this can beflexible. Additional EPAs may be incorporated into the job plan, depending on the timerequired to support the successful candidate’s pro