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Pediatric endocrinology nurses help children with a variety of endocrine disorders, including diabetes and thyroid disorders. They often work with children and teenagers with delayed physical and mental development.
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Perinatal nurses are specially trained nurses who work with women through pregnancy, birth, and the first months of their infants’ lives. They focus on encouraging healthy pregnancies and supporting new families.
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These nurses work directly with women throughout the birthing process. They perform many important tasks, including administering epidurals or other medications, timing contractions, and showing new mothers how to do everything from changing a diaper to feeding a baby.
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NICU nurses work in the neonatal intensive care unit of a hospital. They care for new-borns and premature infants.
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Pediatric nurses work in the pediatric department of hospitals or in pediatricians’ offices. They care for infants, children, and adolescents with a range of medical needs.