Direct Employer
Surgical Instrument Services is looking for experienced travelers to fill positions with Long Beach Medical Center in Long Beach, California. Long Beach is a level-one trauma center with a separate suite of pediatric operating rooms and a secondary sterile processing department. Travelers will be working in both departments as needed, which are connected internally through hallways. These positions are for full-time employment on a 26-week contract. Housing assistance is not offered, so accommodations will have to be found by the individual. Payment breakdown: Average taxable hourly rate: $17.00 Weekly Housing Stipend: $500 Weekly Meals Stipend: $300 Total gross weekly pay for 40 hours: $1,480 Experience and shift differential may alter or increase weekly rate. Overtime is offered after 40 hours. As there will be a group of travelers, close communication with SIS will be available to assist with integration with hospital staff. Further opportunities for travel positions are available after completion of contract.
Direct Employer
We are looking for professionals experienced in working with surgical cameras, scopes and displays. You will work closely with the biomedical and surgical staff to ensure proper function of cameras and scopes, and troubleshoot to assist with our technicians in identifying problems with handling or cleaning. This is a full-time, W-2 position with benefits and overtime. The location is a level-1 trauma hospital with a separate pediatric department. Applicants must have a high level of comfort to start, as training will be fast-paced. We need a self-motivated and detail-oriented worker who will communicate clearly and frequently with our company repair team and clinical education staff, as well as work seamlessly within the OR to foster strong relationships with surgeons and staff.